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Showing posts from October, 2017

American Horror Story: Cult Season 7 Episode 8 Winter of Our Discontent

Collecting the lines on the last episode, things did take a sharp turn for the women on the show. It will be interesting to see how events will turn out from here or the next few episodes in the continuing series. American Horror Story is always a different game just when you know or realize you’ve started to come terms with the course of the events, It will take a sharp turn. Like in the current season if you’ve pointed out a person who’s behind all of this? And next moment you see he’s just the puppet of someone else’s master plan. Although not really sure how thing fairs out for the series as show’s already scripted series has taken a toll on its ratings as we’re down to the season 7 of the cult American horror drama. Audience seems to have disowned it completely. Adina Porter’s Beverly thinks she is following Bebe’s advice and getting the women to turn on Kai’s coalition of blonde-haired and blue-eyed men. However, Beverly has no idea that Bebe is working with